Live, Love and Learn Councils
Our school mission statement is 'Following in Jesus' footsteps, we live, love and learn together as a school family to build a better world'. Our letterhead has the words LIVE LOVE LEARN and we have banners in our Spiritual Space explaining LIVE, LOVE, LEARN. So we decided to rebrand our School Council, Chaplaincy Team and Eco Council by calling them our LIVE Council, our LOVE Council and our LEARN Council. The flow chart below explains why:
Welcome to our Live Council
Our Live Council is a group of pupils who are elected by their peers to provide a meaningful way in which pupils can voice their opinions and have their views considered in decisions that impact upon them.
Article 12 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) says that the opinions of children and young people should be considered when people make decisions about things that involve them. They have the right to have opinions and for their opinions to be heard and taken seriously.
At St. Peter’s Catholic Primary School, we operate as a family with each individual having an important role in our school. We want our pupils to feel that their views and opinions are valued and listened to. Our Live Council ensures that our mission to live life to the full by being active in our community is upheld and celebrated.
In previous years, our Live Council initiatives have been varied, with children helping to organise projects that support learning and development, such as fundraising ideas and events for the school, theme days and representing the school at outside events. They have promoted road safety, the importance of walking to school and have worked alongside the Learn Council to implement recycling across the school.
Our Live Council aims to prepare our pupils for global citizenship and to be life-long learners by teaching them about roles, rights and responsibilities by:
Ensuring our children have:
• A safe, happy and fair learning environment
• A forum to voice their concerns and act upon them
• A structured opportunity to learn problem-solving skills
• An opportunity to take an active role in the organisation of the school
• An opportunity to experience a democratic process
Encouraging our pupils to develop:
• A sense of ownership over policy and practice
• A consensus over school issues such as behaviour
• A responsibility towards the school community and environment
Giving our pupils the experience of:
• Planning, organising and monitoring small projects
• Speaking and listening skills
• Debating skills
• Mediation and negotiating skills
• Basic budgeting and managing money
Every September, two children from each class in Key Stage 1 and 2 are elected to represent the views of our pupils, giving all of our children the opportunity to have their voices heard and be part of the whole school community. The elected Live Council Representatives meet regularly with our Live Council Teacher Representative (Mrs Harris), Headteacher and other members of staff which provides pupils with a forum to share their opinions and help to makes decisions about school life. After each School Council meeting, the representatives take ideas back to their class to discuss and vote on, so all the children have their say. Feedback is then provided by the representatives at each Live Council Meeting.
It is a very important and responsible role!
Welcome to our Love Council
We are the Love Council.
We used to be called thew Chaplaincy Team.
We support and monitor the prayer life of our school and classes.
We ensure everyone understands the Liturgical year and support Mrs MacDonald in how we can celebrate each part of the Liturgical Year.
We look forward to sharing our news with you during the year.
Children from Years 1-6 have the opportunity to serve the school as part of the Love Council. Anyone can join and members are commissioned during a special ceremony, where they receive their Love Council Badge and contract from Bishop Declan at Clifton Cathedral.
The Love Council play a vital role in the Spiritual life of the school and are supported by the Love Lead, Mrs MacDonald.
The Love Council have many important tasks such as:
Helping the school to be a community of faith.
Encouraging the pupils to remember their faith in daily living.
Developing good relationships within and beyond the school community.
Planning and leading key stage/whole school collective worship.
Assisting in the organisation of school masses and liturgies.
Helping plan and lead charity events.
To continue to develop strong links with the Parish.
To support the school in its Mission Statement.
Welcome to our Learn Council
Learn Council Update 2023
September and October saw the new Learn Council members elected and presented with their badges. Members from each class were excited to start their new roles. As the Learn Council, we are inspired by Pope Francis’ encyclical ‘Laudato Si’ and aim to lead the school on ways we can look after our environment.
During September we met Mr Sysum who gave us a talk all about recycling in our school. We learnt about all the different materials we currently recycle and how they are collected. We also discussed opportunities for more materials to be recycled in the future.
To mark National Recycling Week, which was in October, we used our knowledge of recycling to create a quiz for our classes. We tested their knowledge of recycling and hopefully taught everyone some interesting and eye opening facts.
Now Christmas is getting closer we are planning on spreading the word around school about waste and recycling at this time of year. We will be thinking of creative and environmentally friendly ways to wrap gifts and sharing these with our classes in the hope of making a difference.
Looking to the year ahead, we will be working together to enhance our environment and monitor our electricity and water usage.