St. Peter's Catholic Primary School Following in Jesus' footsteps, we live, love and learn together as a school family to build a better world.
Last day of term - Friday 20th December 2024 - 1pm

Welcome to Year 4

The Year 4 Staff

Our class teachers are Mrs Jackson (4CJ) and Miss Evans (4CE). The teaching assistants supporting the Y4 children are Mrs Moth, Mrs Moore, Mrs Sysum, Mr Hensley and Mrs Hensley. PPA is covered by Mrs Lowe in 4CJ and by Mrs Bate in 4CE.

What does our week look like?

P.E. lessons are on Wednesdays. Please come to school on these days wearing P.E kit and with earrings removed.  Swimming will take place in the Summer term. During this term, please remember to come into school with your swimming kit in a bag. Throughout the year, we are also lucky enough to have additional sports coaches. Information regarding these sessions will be sent out on School Ping closer to the time. 
During the Autumn term, Year 4 are learning to play a musical instrument. In the past we have had trumpet, cornets and clarinet lessons. This year we shall be learning the violin!
Children take home a school reading book, which they can change on a Monday and Thursday. Each week, children should aim to read their home reading book every week night for 20 minutes and parents/carers are asked to rewrite a comment in their home reading book.  Every child has a reading book mark with questions on it.  These questions are to support parents/carers in asking your child questions about what they have read. Children need to bring their reading book and reading record into school every day.  Children should also regularly practise their times tables by logging in to Times Table Rockstars with their individual log in details.

Topic Knowledge Organisers

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