Our class teachers are Mrs Carr (6HC) and Mrs Young and Mrs Williams (6YJ). In 6HC, PPA is covered by Mrs McGuinness once a fortnight on a Friday. The Teaching Assistants supporting our Y6 children are Mrs Davidson and Miss Ellis.
What does our week look like?
P.E. takes place each Wednesday (6YJ) and Thursday (6HC) afternoons. Children can come to school wearing their P.E. kit on the day that they have P.E.
In Year 6 we have homework each week. All homework for the week is handed out on a Monday so that children can organise their learning throughout the week and is due in on Friday. Homework consists of Spelling, reading comprehension and Maths.
Spelling is taught in class but please use homework time during the week to practise the word lists that are sent home. Spelling homework is also available on dB Primary each term.
Children take home a school reading book, which they can change on a Monday and Thursday. Each week, children should aim to read their home reading book every week night for at least 20 minutes as well as practising their times tables. You can log in to Times Table Rockstars with your individual log in.
Our class novels this term
In 6YW, the children have voted to read:
This book is about a young Jewish boy and his family leaving Vienna during the war to escape the Nazi’s and his losses and struggles on their journey to safety.
In 6HC, the children have voted to read:
This book is about a young boy who has to leave his home in the city due to bombing by the German Air force and his adventures in the town he has been evacuated to.