St. Peter's Catholic Primary School Following in Jesus' footsteps, we live, love and learn together as a school family to build a better world.
Have a wonderful summer everyone!

Religious Education (R.E.)

Domino Run 2024 - All donations will be given to Gloucester Foodbank

Domino Run - Alms Giving - Mission Together


Maundy Thursday

R.E. is a core subject at St. Peter's Catholic Primary School.  We follow the God Matter's scheme of work which comprises 10 units.  These 10 units are taught annually in every year group but the focus and content is different thus ensuring continuity and progression from Reception to Y6 inclusive. The units taught are listed below in the order that we teach them except for the unit on Sacraments - this can be taught at any time over the liturgical year.  The number in brackets indicates the number of weeks spent on that unit:

  • Creation (5)
  • Prayer, Saints & Feasts (4)
  • Advent (4)
  • Christmas (2)
  • Revelation (4)
  • Lent (6)
  • Holy Week (1)
  • Easter (4)
  • Pentecost & Mission (4)
  • Sacraments (4)

Before each unit, our R.E. leader designs and distributes an R.E. Newsletter for parents which explains what each year group will be learning in this unit and how parents can support their children's learning at home.  

Please click on a Newsletter below to learn more about teaching and learning in that unit:



We believe that it is really important for the children to learn about other faiths so that they can begin to understand how other faiths are similar to and different from the Christian faith.  Throughout their seven years at St. Peter's Catholic Primary School, the children study four additional faiths which are taught twice during this time (see list below).  

  • Reception: Hinduism
  • Y1:             Judaism
  • Y2:              Islam
  • Y3:              Sikhism
  • Y4:              Hinduism
  • Y5:              Judaism
  • Y6:              Islam & Sikhism

Other faiths are taught in a dedicated week ensuring the children have time to research, explore artefacts, visit places of worship and hear from speakers/leaders of these other faiths.