St. Peter's Catholic Primary School Following in Jesus' footsteps, we live, love and learn together as a school family to build a better world.
Open Sessions for Reception New Starters in 2025 - Tuesday 22nd October at 10am, Thursday 14th November at 2pm and Wednesday 20th November at 5pm

British Values

British Values Statement

The Government set out its definition of British Values in the 2011 ‘Prevent Strategy’ and these values were reiterated in 2014 by the Prime Minister.  The Department for Education has recently reinforced the need for schools to ‘actively promote fundamental British values to their pupils, both in lessons and in extracurricular activities’. The British Values are:

  • Democracy
  • The rule of law
  • Individual liberty
  • Mutual respect
  • Tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs

As a catholic primary school, our ethos is to uphold the values of the gospel: love and compassion; forgiveness and mercy; humility and dignity; respect and tolerance of others, justice and peace. Pope Francis said: “Jesus is the Gospel in person. His compassion, particularly for the most vulnerable and marginalised, invites all of us to care for the frailest.”  

 Our mission statement to ‘Live, Love and Learn’ together helps us to strive to be a school community where everyone is equally respected and unconditionally loved. At St Peter’s Catholic Primary School we are committed to serving the community and local area.  In so doing, British values are reinforced in the following ways:


Democratic values are an explicit part of the ethos at St. Peter’s.  All adults listen to the views of the pupils and value their opinions.  Pupils are taught to listen to and respect the views of others.  Pupils have further opportunity to have their voices heard through our School Council.  The elections of School Council are the result of pupil votes and these groups canvas the opinions of their peers.  These elections help the children to understand the importance of democracy in securing  a fair society where everyone has a voice.

The Rule of Law:

The importance of laws and rules are consistently reinforced in the classroom, as well as through school assemblies.  Pupils are taught to understand the need for laws: that they are there for individual protection, the responsibilities that this involves and the consequences when laws are broken.  Pupils follow a positive behaviour policy and clearly understand the rewards and sanctions that are used.  Assemblies and discussions in class focus on recognising right from wrong and visits from the Police, PCSOs, Fire Dept, Child Line and  other local community representatives help to reinforce these messages.  They also emphasise that we are all equal under the law and that it is not only wrong, but illegal to discriminate against others on the basis of characteristics such as disability, gender, race or faith.  

Individual Liberty:

Pupils are encouraged to be independent learners, constantly making choices, within a safe and supportive environment.  Developing their self-esteem and self-confidence is very important.  Pupils are encouraged to understand their personal freedoms and are taught how to use these rights to best effect.  All pupils are keen to support charities, whether local, national or global.  They are taught consideration for others through the Religious Education curriculum and PSHE lessons in particular.  E-safety teaching enables them to make choices in a safe manner.

Mutual Respect:

The school’s ethos and behaviour policy are based on Gospel values, with the important commandment being, ‘Love one another as I have loved you’.  Assemblies constantly promote respect for others and the importance of good manners.   All pupils are taught the importance of self-respect, honesty and open communication with others and fair play.  Pupils work collaboratively and value others’ opinions.

Tolerance of those of Different Faiths and Beliefs:

As a Catholic worshipping community, pupils are reminded of their place in a culturally diverse society.  This is achieved through the Religious Education curriculum and the spiritual life of the school.  Assemblies and class work promote the diversity of society and the right for each person to be respected and valued equally regardless of ability, gender, faith, heritage or race.

When pupils leave St. Peter’s Catholic Primary School they will:

  • be aware of their responsibilities as citizens of a democratic society;
  • have an awareness of how they can maintain the underpinning core British values;
  • maintain an awareness and respect for the culturally diverse society in which they live.