St. Peter's Catholic Primary School Following in Jesus' footsteps, we live, love and learn together as a school family to build a better world.
Have a wonderful summer everyone!

Love Council

We are the Love Council.

We used to be called thew Chaplaincy Team.

We support and monitor the prayer life of our school and classes.

We ensure everyone understands the Liturgical year and support Mrs MacDonald in how we can celebrate each part of the Liturgical Year.

We look forward to sharing our news with you during the year.

Children from Years 1-6 have the opportunity to serve the school as part of the Love Council. Anyone can join and members are commissioned during a special ceremony, where they receive their Love Council Badge and contract from Bishop Declan at Clifton Cathedral.

The Love Council play a vital role in the Spiritual life of the school and are supported by the Love Lead, Mrs MacDonald.

 The Love Council have many important tasks such as:

  • Helping the school to be a community of faith.
  • Encouraging the pupils to remember their faith in daily living.
  • Developing good relationships within and beyond the school community.
  • Planning and leading key stage/whole school collective worship.
  • Assisting in the organisation of school masses and liturgies.
  • Helping plan and lead charity events.
  • To continue to develop strong links with the Parish.
  • To support the school in its Mission Statement.

Welcome to our Love Council

We are brand new and looking forward to leading our school in prayer now we have returned to a more normal school life.
This year, we want to;
  • Support class prayers and encourage everyone to be involved.
  • Improve Prayer Areas
  • Create a display about The Little Way Partnership to help everyone understand we are growing in faith with others nearby.
  • Support and create exciting Hours of Prayer for Advent and Lent.
  • Fundraise for local charities that need our support as well as Mission Together and The Emmaus Project.
Watch this space to see how we get on!

Ukraine Appeal 

Our school are supporting the Ukrainian community in Gloucester and the Ukraine and all the details are in the attached letter.  
We would like to thank all our parents and friends that have shared this information with us, so we are able to support the Ukrainian community.